Biology Investigation: Cell Cycle Control, Mitosis, and Cancer
- Open the presentation.
- Watch the embedded video clips and move through the embedded content.
- Answer the “Questions to answer” at the end of the presentation.
- Make sure you understand the “Things you should make sure you understand”.
- Write down any questions that you have about the material.
Topic Presentation:
Supplementary Resources:
“Crash Course: Biology” Videos:
Videos By Paul Anderson:
Additional questions to answer:
- Why does a multicellular organism need to control and coordinate cell division? What might be the consequences of uncontrolled cell division in a multicellular organism?
- What does it mean when we say that there are several “checkpoints” that occur during the cell cycle?
- Give an example of an external signal that regulates cell division and explain how it works.
- Compare and contrast the functions of proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. Give an example of each and explain why mutations in these genes can lead to cancer.
Things you should make sure you understand:
(feel free to ask questions about them in class and/or carry out your own research project)
- The relationship between cancer and cell division.
- How cancer develops in an organism.
- How cancer is treated, and how those treatments affect cancer cells.
-Resources and presentations for this investigation were compiled by Mr. Knuffke so thank him if you run across him online!
Bladder Cancer
So the relationship between cancer and cell division, but both cancer and cell division separate in a very uncontrolled way.
Bladder cancer forms in the tissue of the bladder. The cancer will start in the cells of the inner lining of the bladder. Smoking is supposedly responsible for about half of bladder cancer cases in the USA.
Bladder cancer is treated by surgery- transurethral resection bladder tumor, particle cystectomy and this would be for the early stages. For the later stages it would be a different types of surgery and that would be radical cystectomy. Factors for Bladder Cancer
- Age
- Bladder Defects
- Cancer Therapies
- Chronic inflammation of the bladder
- Ethnic Background
- Exposure to certain chemicals
- Family history
- Gender
- Having had bladder cancer before
- Smoking
Symptoms of Bladder Cancer
- Hematuria
- More frequent urinations than usual
- Urinary tract infection
- Sudden urge to urinate
- Pain when urinating
- Pain in the pelvis
- Back pain
- Bone pain
- Unexplained weight loss
- Swelling of the legs
So there are four stages of bladder cancer. In stage one the cancer is in the inner lining of the bladder but it hasn't quite yet invaded the bladder wall. In stage two the cancer has invaded the bladder wall. In stage three the cancer has gone through the bladder wall and has spread to the surrounding tissue. In women this could be the vagina or uterus and for the men it could be the prostate. So in the fourth stage the cancer has already spread to the lymph nodes and other organs such as the liver bones or lungs.
So I ended up using all the videos and presentation you gave us to help us figure out this information, but I just felt like I was able to get a better understanding of it all the with the website Link