Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Acid in Your Stomach Lab

Antacid Lab
This lab was really different but it was kind of fun to do. I thought the whole purpose of this lab was to see which antacid worked the best.  My group and I tested weather or not there was a difference between Extra Strength Tums and Extra Strength Rolaids. We all tested the difference between the Generic Brand and the name brand Tums. Our final results were quite shocking.

My Hypothesis
If you take an Extra Strength Tums then your stomach will stop hurting because I am assuming the name brand will work the best.

In the beginning of starting the lab we gathered the different substances that we would need. Then we grabbed four beakers and filled each of them up with 50 mL of vinegar. Afterwards we smashed up the small tablets into a powder substance. We had done this to each of the brands and put them into the vinegar and stirred them. We had pretty similar reactions. When we started to stir the vinegar and the tums they would foam up and expand. This happened with all four different substances that we decided to use. Afterwards we used the PH Papers for each beaker and the shade turned an orange red for all of the strips of paper. So after this we learned that all four types of antacid worked the same in some way. It didn't matter if one bottle had the word extra strength  or its the name brand, they all work the same.

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